LCD 70.1
plastic resin on plastic with polarization lenses in LED lightbox frame
42 ¾ x 56 ¼ x 2 ¾ inches
side view of LCD 70.1
plastic resin on plastic with polarization lenses in LED lightbox frame
42 ¾ x 56 ¼ x 2 ¾ inches
LCD 55.1
plastic resin on plastic polarization lenses in LED lightbox frame
27 ¼ x 48 ¼ x 2 ¾ inches
LCD 70.4B
plastic resin on plastic with polarization lenses in LED lightbox frame
42 ¾ x 56 ¼ x 2 ¾ inches
LCD 55.4
plastic resin on plastic with polarization lenses in LED lightbox frame
27 ¼ x 48 ¼ x 2 ¾ inches
detail of LCD 55.4
plastic resin on plastic with polarization lenses in LED lightbox frame
27 ¼ x 48 ¼ x 2 ¾ inches
LCD 55.3
plastic resin on plastic with polarization lenses in LED lightbox frame
27 ¼ x 48 ¼ x 2 ¾ inches
“These works were originally inspired by our cultural consumption of information through LCD screens – computers, phones, tablets, televisions – and the illusion of interconnectivity they provide by masquerading as public spaces and democratising platforms for receiving information. The LCD screens depict elaborate crowd scenes, hand-drawn with resin on plastic and positioned between two polarized lenses, acknowledging LCD screen technology which employs similarly suspended crystal material. I pulled the imagery from various public gatherings – rallies, concerts, sporting events – and used the resin to abstract the picture, while the distorting lines in the PETG plastic reference the static distortion of television sets. As a liquid, the resin shifts and settles in different ways, expanding until it dries, proving to be a tricky and imprecise material. Just as the pixels of an image on an LCD screen are fluid and unfixed, the resin is a suspended liquid, speaking to ideas around the fluidity of information. Image and liquid interact to allow for a loss of control that further completes the image. Made five years ago, these works have taken on new meaning since our relation to crowds has shifted towards the unknowable.”
— Confinement, book by Prix Pictet 2020